Likformighet är tråkigt, låt män och kvinnor va olika!
Kategori: Feminism och genus
Är ett argument jag ofta får uppkört i fejset när jag argumenterar för könsneutrala grejer och sånt. Jag vill liksom svara på det en gång för alla så att ni fattar.
Likformighet ÄR tråkigt. Att jobba bort könsroller, att ha genustänk och uppmuntra/tillåta barnen till könsöverskridande lekar kommer dock inte medföra att alla människor blir likadana. Det handlar liksom inte om att alla ska gå klädda i en grå overall med samma frisyr och samma ryggsäck och samma leksaker och blablabla.
Tänkte visa ett citat från Pervocracy som säger det bättre än jag kunnat:
”One of the more high-level charges frequently brought against feminism is ”you want men and women to be the same!” [...] Well…yeah. I do want men and women to be the same. But that doesn’t mean I want people to be the same. If men and women were the same, there would still be tall and short people, shy and flamboyant people, cold and nurturing people, people who want to do it on the first date and people who’re waiting for a ring, people who work as nurses and people who work as pilots, people who wear short skirts in the winter and people who wear long sweaters in the summer, people in pink and blue and red and black and purple. They just wouldn’t have it decided for them randomly at birth.”
”One of the more high-level charges frequently brought against feminism is ”you want men and women to be the same!” [...] Well…yeah. I do want men and women to be the same. But that doesn’t mean I want people to be the same. If men and women were the same, there would still be tall and short people, shy and flamboyant people, cold and nurturing people, people who want to do it on the first date and people who’re waiting for a ring, people who work as nurses and people who work as pilots, people who wear short skirts in the winter and people who wear long sweaters in the summer, people in pink and blue and red and black and purple. They just wouldn’t have it decided for them randomly at birth.”